How is This a Thing?

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I’m not here to make fun of “otherkin”, only to profile them… if you think I’m mocking these nice people… that’s 100% on you.

We exist on a breeding ground that produces the oddest products. This includes songs, movies, tv shows, and porno genres. These are subjects that I will cover in the future. But today we have to look into the force that creates these abnormal versions of what we find entertaining… Fellow human’s themselves. I’m the last person who cares about what people do behind closed doors, but this takes the cake, and could not be ignored.

What in the world is an otherkin you ask? I typed it in on Google and it reported to me that it is “A person who identifies as nonhuman, typically as being wholly or partially an animal or mythical being.” Ok… that makes sense right? everyone is entitled to their own belief system. Well unfortunately, this is not that. I’m going to identify as luggage, and next time I check in for a flight… I’m gonna hop on the scale and have them throw me on the conveyor belt.

My immediate reaction may be a bit extreme, it doesn’t really fit the definiton. Luggage is not an animal or mythical being, so this community will probably look at me like I’m crazy. but let’s hear from an otherkin and see what this is all about. I’m sure it’s completely normal, and we just are over-reacting to the definition:

(Warning: actually, nevermind… enjoy)

Ok fine, it’s definitely not normal. These people genuinely believe that they are cats, vampires, werewolves, unicorns, etc… which leads me to the question, how is this a thing? We just have people in our society who don’t think they’re actually people? If someone gave me 1 Million guesses on what their deepest and darkest secret is… “I’m legitimately the wicked witch of the west” would not be any of them. We should really keep an eye out on them because it’s easily the result of being bullied too much in school, but I forgot! There are anti-bullying laws now so this can’t be the case. I guess there is only one explanation… which answers a long pondered question i’ve had: How would Playstation know how to draw Spyro if dragons didn’t exist? The obvious fact is that these people have to be telling the truth. There are magical creatures amongst us and we didn’t even realize… wow, that feels good to finally admit doesn’t it?

Instead of asking ourselves “How does this exist?”, look in the mirror and ask yourself… Am I a magical creature?