An Open Letter to All Tennis Fans

First thing is always first… welcome to the Drunk Gamblers Network. We have diverse content across all topics, but we are especially excited to have you join our world. Anyone can like sports, but it takes a special type of genius to appreciate the art form that is known as “Tennis”.  The following is a little praise and recognition for you.

 “Most historians believe that tennis was invented by Denis Tennis but it actually originated in the monastic cloisters in northern France in the 12th century…

…but the ball was then struck with the palm of the hand; hence, the name jeu de paume (“game of the palm”).” – Source

I’m not sure who the fuck Denis Tennis is, but don’t worry.. He may have put the racket in our hands, but he didn’t put the jeu in our hearts. Jeu de Paume is a great fact, and by all means… take that info and run with it, people will think you’re extremely educated on the history of the sport. (*Notice… Denis Tennis is not a real person*)

People say tennis isn’t a real sport. I say those people are idiots. It is for the fans of competition with a sophisticated taste. A sports fan who looks for culture, passive aggressiveness, and most importantly, the uncomfortable appearance of a ball bulging out of someone’s thigh. This sport is for those who enjoy the finer things in life, this is the foreign films of the movie industry. The fine wine of alcoholic beverages. The Ford’s Theatre of of places to see plays.

Everybody raise your glasses of Honey Deuce, follow Tiger’s articles, and if you like to bet, then take his picks too. He has an outstanding success rate of over 85% correctness on his picks. But that’s not why you come here, you come to Tiger’s Tennis Talk because the geniuses need another genius to look too. Especially in the international world of tennis.

Our seasoned tennis writer, Tiger, has a refreshing outlook on the game, and work’s to find the edgiest, most entertaining, and most accurate predictions in the game.